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Torontská novinárka Alice Sparberg Alexiou vydala pred dvoma rokmi knihu o "Jane Jacobs Urban Visionary“, najvplyvnejšej autorke venujúcej sa mestám v predošlom polstoročí.
Jacobs odmietala spájanie s akýmkoľvek myšlienkovým prúdom alebo ideológiou, čo sa prejavovalo v rôznych protirečeniach. Libertáriani jej môžu zazlievať napríklad paktovanie s niektorými vládnymi zásahmi do ekonomického prostredia (hoci iné zasa odmietala), či nasledujúce slová:
„I’m highly in favor of helping the poor and of giving everybody as good an education as they want and can use—not what they can pay for. I think health care, not tied to money, is terribly important . . . The libertarians would say, “Look, we shouldn’t even have laws about drugs. That’s up to people to be responsible about themselves. We shouldn’t have lots of laws about things that aren’t harmful to people. I’m not so sure about that. I think people do need help of various kinds. It has to be empirical,
pragmatic, you have to see what happens. You have to try to recognize mistakes, not just keep on doing them because you don’t know what else to do. I don’t have a sentimental notion that all human
beings would be marvelous if they weren’t deprived—it’s not true. But as for not wanting to help the poor or saying “let everyone stand on their own feet,” no, I don’t believe that at all.”
No Jacobs sa preslávila nielen zdrvujúcou kritikou newyorského plánovacieho cára Roberta Mosesa, ale i útokom na vtedajšie mestké plánovanie a tzv. „projekty obnovy miest“. K jej najprenikavejším dielam patrí „The Economy of Cities“ (free-market mestá sú spontánne sa rozvíjajúce systémy), "The Death and Life of Great American Cities" (tu sa objavili slovné spojenia ako „oči na ulici“, „zmiešané využitie územia“, ktoré sa neskôr stali konceptami v urbanizme).
Pierre Desrochers túto knihu recenzoval v jesennom Journal of Libertarian Studies.
Jacobs odmietala spájanie s akýmkoľvek myšlienkovým prúdom alebo ideológiou, čo sa prejavovalo v rôznych protirečeniach. Libertáriani jej môžu zazlievať napríklad paktovanie s niektorými vládnymi zásahmi do ekonomického prostredia (hoci iné zasa odmietala), či nasledujúce slová:
„I’m highly in favor of helping the poor and of giving everybody as good an education as they want and can use—not what they can pay for. I think health care, not tied to money, is terribly important . . . The libertarians would say, “Look, we shouldn’t even have laws about drugs. That’s up to people to be responsible about themselves. We shouldn’t have lots of laws about things that aren’t harmful to people. I’m not so sure about that. I think people do need help of various kinds. It has to be empirical,
pragmatic, you have to see what happens. You have to try to recognize mistakes, not just keep on doing them because you don’t know what else to do. I don’t have a sentimental notion that all human
beings would be marvelous if they weren’t deprived—it’s not true. But as for not wanting to help the poor or saying “let everyone stand on their own feet,” no, I don’t believe that at all.”
No Jacobs sa preslávila nielen zdrvujúcou kritikou newyorského plánovacieho cára Roberta Mosesa, ale i útokom na vtedajšie mestké plánovanie a tzv. „projekty obnovy miest“. K jej najprenikavejším dielam patrí „The Economy of Cities“ (free-market mestá sú spontánne sa rozvíjajúce systémy), "The Death and Life of Great American Cities" (tu sa objavili slovné spojenia ako „oči na ulici“, „zmiešané využitie územia“, ktoré sa neskôr stali konceptami v urbanizme).
Pierre Desrochers túto knihu recenzoval v jesennom Journal of Libertarian Studies.

List R. Mosesa vydavateľovi knihy J. Jacobs (Foto: Flickr)