piatok, decembra 21, 2007

In a Free World

Manuel Lora on how it would be in a world without politics...

Imagine a free world where there is no state. This is a society where security, the provision of law, contract enforcement, courts and other institutions of justice are available on the market. In such a situation, almost everything we hear on the news would sound ridiculous, inefficient and even criminal.

As there would be no taxation, anyone standing on a podium promising handouts, subsidies, tariffs, quotas or anything of that sort would be considered a buffoon.

In a free society there would be no institutionalized politics that would affect every one; there would be no legislation and no legislators. Instead of politics there would be company policies and contracts that establish the relationships between groups. Thus, there would be no government lobbying.

streda, decembra 19, 2007

Keď v gratulácii niečo smrdí

Spojené štáty pogratulovali Európskej únii k podpisu Lisabonskej zmluvy. Ak vám tento názov „zmluvy“ nič nehovorí, určite sa rozjasní pri slove Ústavná zmluva. Áno, je to v niektorých referendách odmietnutá európska ústava, ktorá má navonok zjednodušiť rozhodovanie, ale v podstate posilňuje bruselský centralizmus.

"Spojené štáty podporujú silnú Európsku úniu ako globálnu silu za demokraciu, mier a prosperitu," necháva sa počuť ministerstvo zahraničných konšpirácií. Že by tie zaoceánske koťuhy dobre vedeli čo robia a priali si čo najtesnejšie zviazaný život na starom kontinente? Vytrhne Lisabonská zmluva americkú ekonomiku z približujúcich sa pazúrov hlbokej recesie?

pondelok, decembra 17, 2007

Neprichádzajú turisti? Zdaňte hoteliérov

Mestskí páni v Myjave, podobne ako vo veľa ďalších lokálnych guberniách Slovenska, zvyšujú alebo znova zavádzajú dane a poplatky. Okrem znovuobnovenia výpalného za psa budú obyvatelia nútení siahnuť hlbšie do peňaženky aj preto, že produkujú odpad a vlastnia nehnuteľnosť.

Novinkou je zavedenie poplatku za ubytovanie. Vraj z dôvodu pomaly sa rozvíjajúceho cestovného ruchu v regióne. Takže tu je problém. Na kopanice sa turisti doteraz nehrnuli, lebo v tamojších ubytovacích zariadeniach (poskromného počtu aj kvality) necvakali navyše 10 Sk na osobu na noc. Teraz sa to určite rozbehne.

streda, decembra 12, 2007

Prezident Ron Paul by bol katastrofou pre libertariánov

Prečo je snaha Rona Paula márna, plytvaním energie, času a peňazí? Čo ak sa mu podarí zrušiť pár ministerstiev, dotácie poľnohospodárom a sprivatizovať poštu? Štátny byrokratický leviatan sa bude brániť.

Tradičný rozpor medzi libertariánmi a konzervatívcami ako dospieť k ideálu. Zrušiť štát cez votrenie sa do jeho štruktúry nie je možné. Myslí si to aj ukecaný Stefan Molyneux.

pondelok, decembra 10, 2007

Are You Lazy? Blame Global Warming!

One would hardly believe what kind of things are caused by global warming. From trees more colourful, better beer, Inuit poisoned, outdoor hockey threatened, terrorism to wolves eat more moose. And another sixhundred effects...

streda, decembra 05, 2007

Are Richest People Socialists?

Warren Buffett – third richest person in the universe want to maintain the estate tax, which now pay owners of estates worth more than two milion dollars. The levy is not any slice in USA. Maximum rate relieves a man of 45 percent of its value. Buffett said for Bloomberg that „to repeal the tax would benefit a handful of the richest people and widen income disparity.“ Other billionaires including Gates and Soros have joined him in urging Congress to keep the tax.

Uf, uf... Does this distorted meaning come with an age or are they simply socialist-capitalists (if I could use this term) for the whole life? I don´t know. But maybe these gentlemen shouldn´t forget how they made a wealth. To be profitable and make a return an entrepreneur tries to keep his tax base the lowest as possible and invests remaining capital in business again. When a small businessman comes into fortune and has to pay huge ammount of money just because of his parent´s death, he can close down and sell a company.

But not to talk just about the estate levy. Every state tax is immoral, because it´s forced under threat of jail and gun. The state steals a man´s properly acquired wealth and dedicate it to his loyal servants. In the name of balancing income disparity for example.

utorok, decembra 04, 2007

Prečo zrušiť štátnu sociálnu podporu?

A nezakazovať dobrovoľnú výmenu medzi ľudmi? Preto.